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Friday, October 30, 2015

Dating: Trick-or-Treat?

By Geanice Gee, M.A.

Are you thinking about taking your date trick-or-treating on October 31st? Assuming that this is your first date with this person, one could only imagine that you would like to make a good first impression. So, before you go to  some stranger's front door saying "trick or treat" or arrive at your date's house dressed as your favorite '80's character, it may be best to plan ahead.


If you plan ahead, you could potentially prevent a disastrous night. As it has been stated in previous posts, the key to any successful relationship is effective communication. Therefore, you should start this new relationship off with effective communication. This can be done by asking questions and listening to your future date's response.


The most important question you should ask your date is if he or she would be interesting in going trick-or-treating. If your date rejects this idea, it would be best to change your plans in order to accommodate your date's interest. However, if your date is interesting in going trick-or-treating, decide on where the two of you are going to meet and which costumes you both are going to wear. 


While on this date, you should: 

  • Get to know your date (likes, dislikes, hobbies, education, job...)

o   Don't make it your goal to get as much free candy as possible
o   Don't make the date all about you
o   Don't appear to be childish
o   Don't talk about pasts relationships 

  • Engage in other activities after you two are finished trick-or-treating, such as attending a Halloween party or going to the movie theater

  • Take some advice from the previous posts






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