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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Dating & Relationships: Dating During the Holidays

By Geanice Gee, M.A.

As we all know, the holiday season is a busy time for most people, whether dating, married or single. Therefore, it’s sometimes difficult to decide on the do’s and don’ts when dating during the holiday season. In fact, some daters can be iffy about what to wear to certain gatherings or what to bring to a family event. To relieve some stress, we’ve provided you with some helpful tips on how to date during the holidays.

1.      During this time, it’s best to decide if you’re going to exchange gifts. If the two of you have decided to exchange gifts, you should know what he or she likes, so that you’ll be able to give a good gift.

2.      Make sure you have suitable attire to wear to holiday gatherings. If you’re going to a family gathering, be sure to leave your bedroom attire at home.

3.      If invited to a company event, be sure to see if you’re able to invite a guest, if not, it’s best to let your partner or date know ahead of time to avoid any confusion.

4.      You should only invite someone that you’ve just met to an event if you have time to show that person special attention.

5.      If your date invites you to meet his or her family, you should bring a gift such as a bottle of wine or flowers.

6.      If you’re dating several people during the holiday season, it’s best to keep track of your schedule. Having a calendar will help you keep track of past and future dates.